Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Following the hiccups and stutters of the last few weeks, we now appear to be back on an even keel.  Although Tabby made an excellent recovery from her shingles, her blood count remained too low for her to resume her chemo – so another week’s delay.  We are now back on the “Delayed Intensification Regime” albeit more delayed than originally planned.  Another three weeks of this then we move onto “Maintenance Therapy”.
Tabby and Mischief the cat

The weekend before last,  we all took the train to Glasgow to meet  Donella’s  sister, Grace  with  John, Hannah and Andrew who had flown over from  Los Angeles to come to the Olympics.  It puts us to shame insomuch they have travelled 6,500 mile to see the games and we did not even manage the 300 miles or so from Edinburgh. Oh well, next time!?!?  Anyway, Grace works for Mattel ( The Barbie people) as Vice President of H.R and presented Tabby with a unique gift – “Ella”, Barbie’s friend who  has had chemotherapy and has no hair.  As you can imagine she does have an assortment of wigs and scarves. I believe it was produced at the request of the CEO of Mattel  in response to a friend’s situation.  It seems that Tabby’s “Ella” is the first one in the UK. These will be produced in greater numbers next year  but only available to charities and children in hospital. I think they both look great.
Tabby and Ella

We had a wonderful day in Glasgow.  Even the rain held off – almost.  We then got the train home and slept soundly until we got home.  Tabby always enjoys a train ride – as does her Dad

Bald on bald
 The Edinburgh Festival and the Fringe have now kicked off.  Donella took Tabby and her friend Poppy to see  “Mr Brown.... and his singing Tiger”. I think they enjoyed it.  Tabby is going to see some more shows over the next few days  with Poppy and Ruby.

On Sunday, Tabby and I were back at the “Sick Kids” for the 4th consecutive day of Cytarabine injections. We had planned to go for a cycle afterwards but you will remember that the weather on Sunday was awful. Instead we went to the Disney shop! Sadly I could not find anything my size but Tabby found  pretty cool outfit - Princess Merida from "Brave". Next week we are going to watch “Brave” the new Disney film which is about a brave wee Scottish princess called Merida who did not want to conform – or behave like a princess.  Need I say more?  Tabby is even more brave than “Brave”.
Princess Tabitha
On Sunday 9th September, a  team of us  will take part in the Glasgow – Edinburgh Cycle run to raise funds for our charity “Its good 2 give”. We are “Team Pedal for Paul”.  I have set up a fundraising website so that if anyone reading this blog would like to sponsor me for the ride. The link is:

Your donation will go to an extremely good cause – a charity that has helped us and hundreds of families like us to cope with childhood cancer.

I now have a month to grow my Bradley Wiggins sideburns.

As ever, thankyou for reading this blog,

The Lawsons

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tabby

    Another week closer to you maintenence therapy and of course the start of school! Mischief looks far too comfortable in that pushchair.
    I also love your doll - she's just great and so good that you are a trendsetter.

    I hope you are enjoying the festival, the weather has been resonably good.

    You will definitely enjoy Brave - I might even go and see it. It looks like it's a good film and your dress is fantastic. We should have you practising archery for the next olympics. You could team up with your dad who would no doubt make the cycling team.

    Love Bernie xx
