Thursday, 14 June 2012

"Consider Yourself"

At the last blog, Tabby had just completed her eight week regime of increasing doses of methotrexate. We were expecting a 2 week interlude before returning to the fray – the “Delayed Intensification no.1”.  Actually we got it wrong – there was no 2 week holiday and Tabby was straight back to the “Sick Kids” for  the next challenge.  This involves 8 different chemotherapy agents at various intervals over the next eight weeks. Again, the high dose steroids seem to have the most profound effects.  I was away in London with Ewan during the first week of June. We returned as Tabby finished her first  seven day course of steroids of this regime. For the first time in ages she looked genuinely tired, miserable and down.  Having not seen her for a week it was really a shock.

On Sunday she went to Sunday school and although she had a nice time was completely washed out for the rest of the day.  She just didn’t know what to do with herself.  Her favourite games and dvd’s held no appeal. Her steroids stopped (for the moment) on Monday and she has since returned to her normal cheerful self.  This evening Tabby stated that she slept so much last week “...because she couldn’t think what else to do!” The only upside of the steroids I can see is her appetite return and she has gained 1kg since the start of June.

Ewan and I were in London at the start of the month ostensibly for his work experience week although it did coincide with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. It was a good time to be in London. Back home, Tabby – or was it really the Queen? – celebrated the Diamond Jubilee in regal manner.

School this week has been a bit erratic due to  combination of  chemotherapy at the “Sick Kids” and  feeling off colour. We have had an “about –turn” on arriving at school, an unscheduled “come and get me” after an hour and one day off. Today was Tabby’s “Special Day” at school – a day where she is allowed to go to the front of the queues , she wears a special badge and classmates stand up and say nice things about her.  This is not a day to miss – although, as ever, she had to leave early for more chemotherapy this afternoon.

This weekend we are off to see the musical “Oliver” at the Playhouse. This is Tabby’s favourite musical. We have already seen a steroid induced “Food glorious food” this week and without doubt they do make her a bit “Ron Moody”! On Monday we go back to hospital where in the words of Fagan “We are reviewing, the situation....”.  

I have now run out of “Oliver” puns.

As ever, Thank you for reading this blog,

The Lawsons

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tabby

    You really are such an inspiration the way you keep going. It will soon be time for the school holidays and I hope the weather improves for you to enjoy some sunshine!
    I hope you enjoyed Oliver at the weekend - I went to see it last week and really enjoyed it. The singing and the music was great and I'm sure you were word perfect! I also loved the set changes.
    Take care and hope to see you soon once you are on your hols.

    Bernie x
