Following the last blog, Tabby's blood tests were all pretty good which meant she could start the next phase of her treatment. This is part of regime C and known as "Escalating Capizzi no. 1". It involves incremental doses of intravenous methotrexate every 10 days. We have been warned that it can be hard going and will continue until she can no longer tolerate the side effects. It all sounds horrible and indeed Tabby has had problems with mouth ulcers sore tummies and sickness already. With the appetite of a sparrow she has lost over a kilogram in the last fortnight - thats a lot when you only have 22 to start with! The dietician has given us a variety of high calorie and high protein drinks to try, (none have met with approval so far) and encouraged us to let Tabby have anything she fancies including fried foods and Big Macs. At the moment healthy eating is not a priority.
Despite all that is going on, Tabby remains irrepressible. Where she gets her energy and spirit from is beyond me. As you will note, it was her birthday today and as ever she was desperate to go to school. We have, since Easter, had a few false starts where, having arrived at school, Tabby has not felt well enough to continue or has been sick and returned straight home. It is disappointing and a bit demoralising for her. Today I picked her up after school and I think it had all been a bit of a struggle - "just feeling poorly and sad".
For birthday dinner tonight we had Pizza and we watched (she danced to) "Happy Feet 2". Perhaps Tabby identifies with "Mumble" (the dancing penguin) - a little different but oh so talented!
We would all like to thank everyone who has sent or delivered - even in torrential rain- Birthday cards and wishes. It is very kind of you all. Anyway, we will see what tomorrow brings and decide if Tabby is fit for school.
Last week-end Tabby and her friend Danielle went up to stables near Kinross to look at horses. After that, they went to play in the local park She had a wonderful time and enjoyed her day out.
Tabby had her chemo at the start of this week and so, in theory, has a quiet few days ahead - we hope. The only thing on the horizon is the imminent departure of her right front tooth. It is now very loose and sitting at an odd angle - she may dance like "Mumble" but is looking more like "Nanny MacPhee".
Once again, thankyou all so much for your support and good wishes and, as ever, taking the time to read this blog
Best wishes,
The Lawsons
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