Thursday, 12 January 2012

Our New "Normality"

The Christmas Holidays are over, Olivia is back to St.Andrew's University, Ewan is back to school with Higher prelims next week, I'm back to work and Tabby had another whack of intravenous chemotherapy yesterday. Donella remains off work for the time being. Will this be our new "normality"?

I have frequently been asked "How does the Chemo affect Tabby?". In all honesty, there is no apparent reaction to each dose. This week, however, we have all been far more aware of the cumulative effects of her treatment to date. I suspect her high dose of steroids is behind much of it. You will see from pictures that Tabby's face is a little fuller and her constant appetite is resulting in a bit of a tummy. It's fortunate that one of her favourite toys is "Britney" from "Alvin and the Chipmunks" I think the similarity is purely coincidental.

Brief shopping trips are becoming an ordeal for Tabby - even with the lure of a panini. She needs help in and out of the car. Walking around the Gyle is limited to 10 -15 minutes before she is too tired or uncomfortable to continue. Worst of all, she is all too aware of her fatigue and limitations -tired and frustrated.

This is not meant to be a miserable blog but simply illustrates our new normality. On a brighter note, however, next week she starts reducing her dose of steroids and so hopefully much of the above will begin to resolve.

"Happiness is a stack of home-work!"

Most of the time Tabby remains her chirpy, cheeky and lovely self. Today she was delighted to start the first of her school work. Mrs Hagan kindly delivered some work from Tabby's class teacher Mrs Krumins. I think Tabby was really pleased to have something familiar to do. We now have an I pad and Tabby now has her own e-mail address so communication with the school and her class and friends at Mary Erskine has been restored. Her e-mails are great and unlike her older siblings, she is quite happy to share them!

Next week is Tabby's last iv dose of vincristine for this session followed by an important bone marrow aspirate. With the bone marrow we will get a realistic idea of how effective her all chemotherapy has been and will influence what happens next.

Thanks to all of you for keeping in touch,

The Lawsons


  1. Hope the bone marrow aspiration results are good. Finding Tabby's enthusiasm for homework very scarey!
    Thinking of you all.
    Love The Brewsters xx

  2. Hi Tabby,

    Hope you are having fun on your i-pad. here are some great apps that hannah and matthew like.
    Songify (make cool songs from things you ssay)
    Maths Bingo (play the games to get monsters and then play with the monsters)
    PuppetPals (virtual puppet making)
    i can animate (make animations)
    strip designer (lets you make comics from photos)
    race penguin (a game)
    labyrinth (a game)
    clicky super (a bit like 20C fuzzy felt)

    have fun!
