Sunday, 17 February 2013

Sledging and Sushi

After  the excesses Christmas and New Year, life in Newmains house has slowly returned to some degree of normality. Olivia did not return to University until the end of January and it was so nice to have her around for a while longer. Tabby especially enjoyed an afternoon’s sledging up at Swanston Village in the Pentlands. It’s not often that we actually possess sledges when there is any snow around – so this was a good day.

Olivia and Tabby sledging

Tabby 'n' Tim
The following week Tabby had to go to the dentist. Despite everything that she has been through over the last year, a simple visit to the dentist remains something of a trial. However – all fears were allayed by the patient before her – Scottish Rugby’s try-scoring hero, Tim Visser. Tabby left with a filling and a new gum shield!

Once again, Tabby and I would like to thank Janet and Theresa from the Day Bed Unit at St.John’s Hospital for their gifts of sweets, comics and games. Tabby is currently in the middle of her “Steroid week” which invariably makes her grumpy, irritable and just generally out of sorts. Janet and Theresa’s latest bag of gifts worked wonders a couple of nights ago. I may actually  ask them to make up a goodie bag for me sometime – only to be opened in times of stress or excessive grumpiness.

It is a shame that Tabby’s “Grumpy-week” coincided with her class book week. On Friday Tabby had to dress up as a character from a book or a film. Tabby wanted to be “Dorothy” from the “Wizard of Oz”. We think she was one of the best in the class. We even managed to coax a smile out of her – sort of!

Lunch at Yo Sushi
I am sure I have mentioned the effect that Tabby’s steroids have on her. I feel so sorry for her as she is painfully aware in her sudden change in temperament. On the upside, however, the steroids serve to kick-start her often poor appetite. Sol ast weekend we had lunch at Yo Sushi. It should be noted that in the time it tookTabby and I to finish 6 dishes, the couple next to us polished of over 30 dishes between them. Tabby was mesmerised. She was scared to put her hat on the counter in case they ate it as well!

Anyway it is now half term holidays and Tabby, Ewan and Donella have headed North to spend a few days with Granny and Grandpa. Undoubtedly there will be a great deal of eating, dog walking and discussion. Tabby cannot wait to see “Maimie” – Granny and Grandpa’s little sausage dog. The two of them love running around the house, playing football and playing in the garden (that’s Tabby and Maimie I am talking about and not Grannie and Grandpa) Any pictures of them will be in the next blog.
I have no days off this week and so I am still in Edinburgh. The house seems strangely quiet and empty. Even the attraction of being able to watch SKY Sport whenever I wish doesn’t stop me wondering how Tabby and the family are. This is the furthest Tabby has been from home in over a year! This may be the time to see if I can get “Facetime” to work – any suggestions anybody?

Thanks for reading the Blog,
The Lawsons