At the start of last week, Tabby received a very important package - something we had all been waiting for. Yes - her blue disabled parking badge arrived. Although it will be another 11 years before Tabby even gets her provisional driver's licence, I am sure it will be well used before it expires in 2 years time. So when I arrived home from work last Monday, Tabby waved this permit around in front of my face exclaiming "Look Daddy, it's official, I'm disabled!" Before everyone gasps in horror I should point out she was grinning from ear to ear as she said this. I'm not sure who she gets this sense of humour from.
Anyway, even after one week, the blue parking permit has been really useful - no more raking around for change or looking for empty parking bays around the "Sick Kids" (or "Harvey Nicks").
On Wednesday morning, Tabby had more chemotherapy iv injection then we drove up to St.Andrews to meet Olivia who appeared to have no lectures or tutorials at all that day. We wandered around the town that afternoon, had ice-creams then booked into the St.Andrews Fairmont at St.Andrews Bay. Lovely Hotel, but completely deserted. Tabby and I went to the spa and for the first time since her diagnosis, Tabby went for a swim. She was a bit anxious at first but after a few minutes was back in her element. So good to see!
The next morning, after a full "Scottish Breakfast" we headed back to Edinburgh and watched the "Muppet Movie" at the cinema. The cinema made Fairmont look overcrowded. For 90% of the film there was only Tabby, Donella and myself in the theatre. It was a bit surreal. Tabby's doctors at the "Sick Kids" did warn us to avoid large crowds of children and people who may pass on colds and flu. I didn't know it would be this easy. Tabby loved the film and already wants to see it again. It was actually very funny with a show-stopping ballad entitled "Am I a man or a Muppet?". Have any other Dad's felt a link with this song or is it just me?
On Friday, Tabby and I went swimming again at the David Lloyd. We met her old swimming teacher who had heard about her illness and was really encouraging having seen other children with leukaemia making a complete recovery. These are stories we will never tire of hearing.
On Saturday, Olivia's friend Annie brought Tabby a present of a mobile glow dome. You can see it's pretty cool. What's more it appears that I was the only one in the family who could figure out how to set it up and get it working. As some-one who still struggles to switch on the i-pad I took this to be a small but significant victory.
Given that a larger crowd than at the Muppet Movie was anticipated, I didn't take Tabb
y to Murrayfield to watch the Scotland - France game. You will note that I have now stopped trying to make predictions. A great effort, but still not enough to win - yet. It will come, keep the faith. As part of the medical team for the day you witness how these guys commit everything to their game. They deserve a win so much.
Tabby was back at school today. She took my Murrayfield Stadium Pass to "Show and Tell". I am not sure how exciting that would be - "That's Dad and we lost". Tabby even took part in P.E. today. As her hair continues to thin, she now wears a little "bandana"(I am sure there is a more accurate term). I picked her up from school today and as she ran across the playground wearing her little red and white bandana, she looked great. Not a dry eye in the house!
We didn't go skiing in Canada for the half term break as planned but these few days off have been such a boost and so welcome.
Thanks again for reading,
Best wishes,
The Lawsons